This app only cost 99 cents when I bought it. How can you go wrong for only 99 cents? (Most 20 oz. sodas cost more than 99 cents!)
I bought this app because the day before, a friend and I were discussing a similar (but more versatile) filter I use in Photoshop. So I had to buy this app and evaluate it.
It is a nice app that allows for basic controls of the rays. The rays eminate from a vanishing point. The angle of the rays cannot be changed. The istance from the vanishing point canmot be modified. The color and opacity of the rays can be changed.
The app does a nice, intelligent job of having the rays appear from highlights in the photo. I tried several of my cloud photos and the results looked natural.
I tried this app with a handful of photos. Nice results each time. I saved each photo without any problems.
Nice little niche app if you have a need or it. :)
Gauntletwielder about Rays